Physiotherapy or physical therapy treatment is the process of remediation of impairments and disabilities on the body. The therapy involves exercising and rehabilitation. The main goal is to restore the functionality of an impaired body part and thereby restore the good health of an individual. The treatment procedure is carried out by professionals called physiotherapists and there are many of them who can perform physical therapy treatment for Vertigo South Hills PA dwellers.
In physiotherapy, the term modality is common. The word basically means the use of a physical agent to induce certain responses on a given body part. Electricity, cold, heat and ultrasound are the most popular modalities used by therapists. The effects they cause on the body include; increased blood supply, reduced circulation, muscle relaxation and reduced pain.
During treatment of pain and swellings, heat is a commonly used modality. When heat is applied on the superficial surface of the skin, it effects can penetrate the skin up to one centimeter deep and hence causing muscle relaxation as well as improved circulation of blood. This heat on the skin is applied using hot water in packs. To improve the depth of penetration, ultrasound technology can be used concurrently with heating. It can also be used alone where by sound vibrates the body tissues and muscles hence causing increased extensibility and muscle relaxation.
Apart from the high temperatures, low temperatures can as well be used to bring about an effect. Low temperatures reduce pain as well as blood circulation. Ice is therefore the modality of choice in this form of procedure. The use of low temperatures to induce an effect is called cryotherapy. Ice packs, ice massage and ice gels can be used for this process. Low temperatures reduce pain by reducing the transmission of nerve signals to the brain from the point of injury.
Electricity is also a common modality used by physiotherapists. By use of electrodes, electricity can be applied on the skin surface in a regulated manner. The current then stimulates receptors on the skin. These receptors are capable of overriding the pain from a deep site beneath the skin. After surgery or nerve injury, electricity can be used as a remedy to bring the nerve back to life.
It is important to note that physiotherapy is not a standard mode of treatment. The choice of a modality to be used in treatment is individualized. This is because the injuries being taken care of will normally vary from one person to the other.
The goal of physiotherapy is to restore the functionality of a given body part. However, indirect benefits also exist. The fact that physiotherapy improves circulation of blood, chances of one suffering from heart diseases is reduced. It is a non-invasive form of treatment hence the use of syringes and drugs is absent.
Though physical therapy treatment is a good remedy, the outcome of the procedure is determined by the doctor you choose. Before settling on a specific physiotherapist, carrying out ample research is the way to go. You should find the best in Vertigo South Hills PA through various sources such as the Internet and referrals.
In physiotherapy, the term modality is common. The word basically means the use of a physical agent to induce certain responses on a given body part. Electricity, cold, heat and ultrasound are the most popular modalities used by therapists. The effects they cause on the body include; increased blood supply, reduced circulation, muscle relaxation and reduced pain.
During treatment of pain and swellings, heat is a commonly used modality. When heat is applied on the superficial surface of the skin, it effects can penetrate the skin up to one centimeter deep and hence causing muscle relaxation as well as improved circulation of blood. This heat on the skin is applied using hot water in packs. To improve the depth of penetration, ultrasound technology can be used concurrently with heating. It can also be used alone where by sound vibrates the body tissues and muscles hence causing increased extensibility and muscle relaxation.
Apart from the high temperatures, low temperatures can as well be used to bring about an effect. Low temperatures reduce pain as well as blood circulation. Ice is therefore the modality of choice in this form of procedure. The use of low temperatures to induce an effect is called cryotherapy. Ice packs, ice massage and ice gels can be used for this process. Low temperatures reduce pain by reducing the transmission of nerve signals to the brain from the point of injury.
Electricity is also a common modality used by physiotherapists. By use of electrodes, electricity can be applied on the skin surface in a regulated manner. The current then stimulates receptors on the skin. These receptors are capable of overriding the pain from a deep site beneath the skin. After surgery or nerve injury, electricity can be used as a remedy to bring the nerve back to life.
It is important to note that physiotherapy is not a standard mode of treatment. The choice of a modality to be used in treatment is individualized. This is because the injuries being taken care of will normally vary from one person to the other.
The goal of physiotherapy is to restore the functionality of a given body part. However, indirect benefits also exist. The fact that physiotherapy improves circulation of blood, chances of one suffering from heart diseases is reduced. It is a non-invasive form of treatment hence the use of syringes and drugs is absent.
Though physical therapy treatment is a good remedy, the outcome of the procedure is determined by the doctor you choose. Before settling on a specific physiotherapist, carrying out ample research is the way to go. You should find the best in Vertigo South Hills PA through various sources such as the Internet and referrals.
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Read more about Information On Physical Therapy Treatment For Vertigo South Hills PA Residents.
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